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Onderdonk Point, ON  Lighthouse destroyed.   

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Onderdonk Point Lighthouse

In 1911, a lighthouse was completed on Onderdonk Point, in the western end of Bay of Quinte opposite the mouth of Trent River and Trenton. The lighthouse was rather unique in that it wasn’t built in the familiar form a square, pyramidal lighthouse but rather a square lighthouse with vertical sides. The following Notice to Mariners announced the completion of the lighthouse:
A lighthouse has been established by the Government of Canada at Onderdonk point, western end of the Bay of Quinte. The light will be put in operation on the opening of navigation in 1911.

The lighthouse stands on the south shore of the Bay of Quinte, 1 1/6 miles eastward of Indian island, and bears S. 37° E. distant 2 1/10 miles from the west end of the draw span of the bridge over the Trent river at Trenton. It is an enclosed square wooden building, surmounted by a square wooden lantern, the whole painted white. The height of the lighthouse from its base to the top of the ventilator on the lantern is 20 feet.

The light is a fixed white light, elevated 34 feet above the water, and should be visible 4 miles from all points of approach by water. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric of the seventh order.

Day’s labour constructed the lighthouse under the direction of T.H. Brewer for $477.19, and the site for the tower was purchased from Union Trust Co. and E.J. Butler for $100.

E. Bryant was hired as the first keeper of the lighthouse in 1911 at an annual salary of $140, but William Allison replaced him the following year and served until the light was discontinued in 1941. On May 21, 1941, mariners were notified that the fixed white light shown from the lighthouse on Onderdonk Point would be discontinued without further notice. A red spar buoy was established off the east side of the nine-foot spot located about 3,000 feet from the lighthouse.

In 2021, a spar buoy was displaying a flashing red light with a period of four seconds west of Onderdonk Point. The red buoy was marked “QT16.”

Keepers: E. Bryant (1911 – 1912), William Allison (1912 – 1941).


  1. Annual Report of the Department of Marine, various years.

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