1889 Gull Shoal, on the west side of Pamplico Sound, North Carolina.An appropriation of $30,000 was made by Congress March 2, 1889, for establishing a light and fog signal at this place. The borings made at the site in June indicated a good foundation of sand and shells to a depth of 20 feet. Plans for the new structure were prepared.
1890 Gull Shoal, on the west side of Pamplico Sound, North Carolina. Proposals for furnishing the metal-work of this and a like structure to be erected at Pamplico Point Shoal, North Carolina, were opened September 18, 1889. The lowest bid received was $14,200 for the two houses, the work to be completed within five months. The framing of the superstructure was commenced at the Lazaretto depot in December and finished in April. This was not pushed as there was no prospect of the early completion of the metal-work. The latter was not delivered until May 27, about seventy days after the stipulated time. The erection of the house upon the site will be commenced at an early date.
1891 Gull Shoal, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina.A bell struck by machinery, February 1, 1891.
1891 Gull Shoal, on the west side of Pamlico Sound, North Carolina. Operations at the site were commenced on September 2, 1890. The working platform was placed in position with the necessary material and machinery, and the setting of the foundation piles was begun. Though at first penetration was difficult, it was found that at the depth of 10 feet but little resistance to the revolution of the screw was encountered. This was unexpected, as the preliminary borings made in the vicinity indicated a firm foundation. Upon sounding with a rod the soft layer appeared to extend deeper than the piles had been intended to penetrate. It was therefore evident that without some additional means of support it would not be prudent to place the light house upon such a foundation. It was decided to surround each pile with a cast iron sleeve 1 Ύ inches thick and 11 feet long provided with a disk of the same material 5 feet in diameter, in order to give as large a bearing surface upon the hard upper stratum of the shoal as practicable. This plan had been tested and, while economical, proved entirely effective in a similar case elsewhere in the district. Accordingly, after all the piles had been placed in position and screwed to a depth of 13 feet, the work was suspended until the sleeves could be made. The tenders and working party returned to Baltimore to engage in other operations, and the platform and materials were left in charge of watchmen. The sleeves were finished in October, but it was not until December 4 that everything was in readiness to return to the site. Work was re-commenced on December 13. The disks were bolted to the sleeves and the latter, after proper adjustment, were fastened securely to the piles by set screws. The work was then prosecuted rapidly and was practically completed, and on February 1, 1891, the station was ready for the exhibition of the light. The light-house is a wooden dwelling, hexagonal in plan, resting on seven wrought-iron piles 10 inches in diameter, and surmounted by a lantern showing a fixed red light of the fourth order. During thick and foggy weather a bell is struck by machinery a double blow every fifteen seconds.
1899 Gull Shoal, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina.New model fourth-order lamps were installed.
1900 Gull Shoal, Pamlico Sound, North Carolina.The fuel platform was removed because its position endangered the safety of the light-house during very high tides. Various repairs were made.
1924 J. D. Farrow, keeper of Gull Shoal Light Station, N.C., on March 13 rendered assistance to a disabled boat.
1926 By the installation of acetylene in lieu of oil lights at Hatteras Inlet and Gull Shoal Light Stations, four positions of keeper have been discontinued and three positions of lamplighter. These two lights and six minor acetylene lights and three minor oil lights have been given in charge of the three keepers of Bluff Shoal Light Station where an additional keeper has been allowed in connection with the formation of this group.