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Plattsburg Breakwater, NY  Lighthouse destroyed.   

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Plattsburg Breakwater Lighthouse

1867 – Plattsburg breakwater, Lake Champlain.—Owing to the damaged condition of the north end of the breakwater, the lighted beacon at the south end, only, could be erected. A steamer lens was exhibited on this beacon on the evening of August 1, 1867. The repair of the north end of the breakwater, under the supervision of the engineer department, will soon be finished. The frame of the beacon for the north end is ready for erection, and the lantern has been delivered. It is expected, therefore, that the beacon will be ready before the close of navigation on the lake.

1868 – Plattsburg beacons.—The repairs to the north end of the breakwater having been completed by the engineer department, the corresponding beacon has been erected, and a light will be exhibited from it before the close of navigation. The station will then be in efficient condition.

1869 – Plattsburg Beacons, Lake Champlain. — No repairs have been made at this station.

1886 – Plattsburg beacons, breakwater, Plattsburg Harbor, New York. —The color of these lights was changed in July, 1886, from white to fixed red, that they might not be mistaken for the electric lights behind them.

1892 – Plattsburg Breakwater, Lake Champlain, New York.—The northeast light was moved to the north end of the breakwater as extended, June 18, 1892.

1893 – Plattsburg Breakwater, Lake Champlain, New York— The beacon was removed to the extreme end of the extended breakwater and various repairs were made.

Keepers: Mitchell Bulley (1867 – 1900), Henry N. Bulley (1900 – at least 1940).

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