1862 Confederate forces burned the lighthouse and took Keeper Vincenzo Scorza prisoner. Escorsa later escaped from Camp Moore and l
1868 Bon Fouca.Destroyed in 1862 and not re-established. The important point in this vicinity seems to be Pointe aux Herbes, directly opposite, on the south shore of the lake, forming the principal landmark for all steamers and sailing vessels trading in the lakes. The abandonment of the present site and the erection of a light-house on Pointe aux Herbes is recommended, and an estimate of appropriation necessary will be submitted.
1869 Bon Fouca, entrance to Bayou Bon Fouca.An appropriation of $8,000 is available for rebuilding this light at Pointe aux Herbes as a preferable position to that of the old one. It is necessary to obtain title to the proper site before the structure can be commenced.
Keepers: John Wadsworth (1848 1849), Vincenzo Scorza (1849 1862).
Laborers: Silvestre Puchnau (1900 1901), Roswell King (1901), Silvestre Puchnau (1901 1906), Manuel Trigo (1906), Edgar Doucet (1906 1910), Fritz Schutlz (1911), Nelville Pichon (1911 at least 1921).